Water and Sewer Maintenance

Maintaining Corydon's Infrastructure
Working Hard for You Every Day
The Maintenance Department is responsible for:
- Reading all water meters within Town, both electronic and manual
- Downloading meter usage history
- Repairing and changing out meters
- Inspecting manholes
- Repairing water main breaks and sewer blockages
- Digging up water lines in need of repair/replacement
- Installing new water and sewer lines, as well as repairing any roadways/yards disturbed in the process
- Handling customer complaints and/or questions
- Responsible for delinquent account disconnects and reconnects
- Lawn maintenance around tanks and other facilities
- Maintenance and painting of fire hydrants
- Assisting in maintaining the water treatment facility
- Setting new customer water meters & sewer taps
- Handing out delinquent notices for residents
- Mowing town water & sewer rights-of-way
For Water Main Breaks and Down Power Lines call Harrison County Dispatch at 812-738-3911.
Staff Members

DSL Certified Operator

DSL Certified Operator

Maintenance Crew Member

Maintenance Crew Member

David Carey
Maintenance Crew Member
Water and Sewer Maintenance
Contact Information
Maintaining Corydon's Infrastructure FAQ
If your sewer backs up, call a plumber. Most sewer back up issues occur due to an issue in the resident’s sewer line. If the plumber determines that the back up issue has occurred because of a clog in the main line, call the Town Hall. The Water and Sewer Maintenance Department will jet the main sewer line.
Yes. Twice a year, usually in April and October, the Town flushes all the main water pipes.
Flush the cold-water side of your faucet or spicket for five minutes. If this does not clear the water, call the Town Hall and ask someone to come and flush your system.
No. The water is tested on a regular basis to ensure that the levels of manganese in the water are safe. This testing is overseen by the state agency, IDEM (Indiana Department of Environmental Management).
Town of Corydon, IN
219 N Capitol Ave • Corydon, IN 47112
Phone: (812-738-3958) • Monday – Friday, 8:00 am – 4:00 pm
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