
More Important than you can Imagine!
Sewer and Waste Removal
This important service provided to you by the Town of Corydon. The department helps provide a clean place to live, protects your enviroment and ensures the health and well-being of everyone.
Do not put any types of wipes of feminine products into the sewer system!
The department is responsible for the following duties:
- Operates, monitors and troubleshoots the wastewater treatment facility and its processes.
- Responsible for the technical aspects of plant operations.
- Compliance with state and federal operating regulations.
- Performs all aspects of sampling, monitoring, and testing required to maintain compliance with the federal, state, and local regulations governing the wastewater treatment process and sludge management.
- Assists in the performance of regular and unscheduled maintenance and repairs on all plant equipment/machinery.
- Responds to the emergencies and breakdown at the plant and pump stations
If we do not have what you need, we will be happy to help direct you to the right person, department, or business!
Staff Members

Class I Operator

Operator Assistant
Contact Information
Town of Corydon, IN
219 N Capitol Ave • Corydon, IN 47112
Phone: (812-738-3958) • Monday – Friday, 8:00 am – 4:00 pm
Striving for Excellence!
- Town of Corydon Employment Application
- Police Department Employment Application
- Reserve a Park
- Current Projects
- Community Calendar
Copyright © 2023 - Town of Corydon, IN